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6mm Terrain Boards

Years ago I worked for a company making doors. This produced a lot of 2mm plywood offcuts that were... useful.  However, when I original started using them for 5/6mm terrain boards they were different sizes. The idea now is to start putting together standardised boards.

So I've bought a load of A3 2mm MDF boards. I have sprayed some grey and glued the original boards on top. Hopefully, the height of the old boards won't affect things too much. I've also ordered a load of extra terrain pieces as well - should start arriving next week sometime.
The original boards are OK on my games table - but their uneven sizes are still obvious.

Four boards with no additions. Using a grey base coat on the board depicts roads, etc, and means I can at least make them easily!

At some time I'll be adding more fields, buildings, etc - the grey will also act as hard standing around buildings or car parks.
I've already got a load of high rise buildings from Empires at War - see the Swarm Wars sequence. Most of my other current buildings, hedges and buildings are Irregular, fields are flock, a lot of the walls are simply matchsticks.

There's an order in  for some terrain from Leven Miniatures. I've still to put in another order from Irregular - should do that tonight. When the stuff comes the 'new' terrain boards should be finished reasonably quickly.

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