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What is Google WebLight And How It Works

What Is Google Web Light?

Google Web Light is a new feature Google has added to their search results pages for mobile users with slower internet connections. If Google detects a slow internet connection for a user trying to perform a Google search, it will send the user to a version of that page on their googleweblight.com domain that will load much faster than the version on the normal domain.

To do this, Google takes content from your site and only displays the important parts of the page with little to no styling. They are trying to get the bare bones of the page for these users to save data and load pages faster. Users who are shown these pages in search results will typically have a mobile internet connection speed around 35 Kbps or the equivalent of a 2G network. While most users have faster speeds than this, Google found that traffic to these pages increased 50% due to the faster load times for these specific users.Google Web Light is an initiative by Google to improve the browsing experience of millions of users who are on slow internet speed. It is also being called as Streamlined lite version of mobile search. Google shows faster, lighter pages to people searching on slow mobile connections in selected countries.

Google web light project is aimed to load the web pages with a faster speed, allowing the web page to load 4X faster, using 80% less data. This will increase the web speed with 50-80% faster results.

The main idea behind the project is to detect the slow connection via browser and transcoding of web page by removing advertisements, & unnecessary elements from the page. To do this, Google transcode (convert) web pages on the fly into a version optimized for slow networks, so that these pages load faster while saving data. These optimized pages preserve a majority of the relevant content and provide a link for users to view the original page. Experiments show that optimized pages load four times faster than the original page and use 80% fewer bytes. Because these pages load so much faster, Google also saw a 50% increase in traffic to these pages.

User will see the optimized web page loaded at a faster speed with less bandwidth / data consumption. A link to the original page will also be provided, so that users can switch to the original page if they want.

GoogleWeblight is an initiative by Google to improve the browsing experience of millions of users who are on slow internet speed. Typically for countries like Indonesia, India & Brazil where a majority of users are on 2G or very slow internet connection.

Google Web Light Surf Web Faster open web pages 4 times faster and consumes 80% less data.

On your mobile device, browse to the link http://googleweblight.com/i?u=[your_website_URL] where the url is fully qualified (http://www.example.com).


On your desktop, open the Chrome device mode emulator with the link http://googleweblight.com/i?u=[your_website_URL] where the url is fully qualified (http://www.example.com)

More official info check Google Support Answer Page

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