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The Constitution Party hosts national convention in Salt Lake City

The Constitution Party picked their presidential candidate on Saturday.
Darrell Castle's name will be on the ballot in 16 states.

A Choice, Not An Echo

  • The GOP under George W. Bush betrayed Conservatism causing me to vote Libertarian in two of the last three Presidential elections. But I have never voted for a Constitution Party candidate. So in the interests of equal time here is their convention.

SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4 Utah)  –  There's a national convention going on in Salt Lake City right now, but chances are you know little about the political party running it.

Delegates from 28 states are gathering at the Downtown Hilton for The Constitution Party National Convention. They come with little fanfare to take care of party business and nominate candidates.As party leaders host the convention they admit their philosophy is relatively unknown.
"I agree, they have never probably heard of The Constitutional Party," said National Chair, Frank Fluckiger.

As political parties go it's a new comer. Fluckiger says it was established in 1992 with the goal of returning the country to the principles of the Constitution.

"The best government comes from the local level first, then what the local level can't handle, then it goes to the next level and on up. And that way if something is wrong it can be changed more readily," said Fluckiger.
The party is pro life, pro 2nd Amendment and against what it calls undeclared unconstitutional wars, such as Iraq and Afghanistan.

Darrell Castle is seeking the party's nomination for president, he says immigration is a big issue.
"Our borders are worth defending. If we can secure the borders of Korea and Germany, then we can secure the borders of the United States," said Castle.
He says the economy needs reform as well.
"I prefer ending the Federal Reserve and Central Bank control of the American economy."
On education he favors local control.
"The federal government shouldn't have any role in education."

It's a message that is silent on the national stage, but the party insists the current chaos is peaking interest.
"We're just amazed. We had our party caucuses in Utah, we had a record turnout," said Fluckiger.

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The hallway outside the small ballroom of the convention had a United Nations flag taped to the ground so people could step on it. (More)

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