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Rain, rain go away, and an Award

"In case of emergency, cut rope" says the hoarding.
How many of the city's millions can the raft hold?
I haven't seen rains like this in the city in a very long time. Officially, the Monsoons last for a little over three months from mid-June to end-September, but in reality, the city gets a few days of heavy rain followed by a week or two of only mild showers.

The Monsoon hit the city early this year, and poured almost continuously for nearly two weeks. I was certain the rainfall meant for the entire season was used up in those few weeks, and that we would only have mild showers after that. But I, like every other self-appointed meteorologist in the city, was in for a surprise- this has been one long season of days of heavy rain alternating with days of mild rain- there have been practically no dry days in the last three months.

Auto-rickshaws don raincoats to protect
passengers from the rain and splashing puddles
"Why is the sky crying so much?", the kids keep asking me. They are fed up of being cooped up indoors, and no longer find much pleasure in splashing through puddles. I wish I knew- all I know is that it is one mega tantrum the sky has been throwing.

It wouldn't be too bad if the rains did not disrupt life in the city the way they actually do- waterlogged roads, slowing down of public transport, soaring vegetable prices because transportation trucks are affected, a sudden spurt in water-borne diseases. I guess we should be happy we don't have floods, the way other parts of the subcontinent do.

Rain, rain, go away. We have enough water in our reservoirs to last us till next year.

The Awards seem to keep building up, so maybe it makes sense to pass them on as they come, rather than wait to first clear the ones I am hoarding.

Alex of Alex J. Cavanaugh passed on the SuperCommenter Award. It doesn't seem to come with any strings attached and I pass in onto Margot Kinberg of Confessions of a Mystery Novelist. She is the Professor of Mystery Writing, and for the longest time, I was so much in awe of her obvious brilliance, I never even dared leave a comment. I am glad I stopped lurking, because I now know that she is as wonderful a person as she is bright.

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