So ... we ate all the granola that I made last week, and I decided to make some muesli with the bag of muesli mix I found in the cupboard, to refill the now empty jar. I didn't have any sultanas or raisins but I did spot some dried dates in the cupboard so I decided to use them.
I put handfuls of the nuts into a bowl first and then, for whatever reason ... boredom, interest in percentages in the mixed jar, general twiddling about ... I decided to sort out the various sorts of nuts.
It passed a rather uneventful five minutes of time.
I ended up with this little trio and a bowl of mixed nuts for the muesli.
The almonds went into the cupboard, I added the walnuts to a beetroot salad and the cashews were tipped into a big bag of salted peanuts, shook up and then added to Alan's nut jar.
So the other nuts with half of the muesli base and a big handful of the chopped dates, now chopped even smaller, made a good half jar of breakfasts for the next few days.
Alans only gripe was that the chopped nuts were still too big and there weren't enough of them, so I am going to whizz up the remaining almonds and try to find some more nuts in the cupboard to also whizz up, and add them to the jar.
SO ... when someone asks 'How did you spend your time during lockdown?'
I can now say in a broad Mancunian accent ... I played with me nuts!!
Sue xx
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