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Comics Corner: The Amazing Spider-Man 48

Title: The Amazing Spider-Man
Issue Number: 48
Release Date: May 1967

  • Adrian Toomes, AKA the Vulture, lies in a prison hospital bed, dying 
  • Blackie Drago becomes the "new" Vulture
  • Spider-Man references his previous appearance in Daredevil The Man Without Fear issue 27
Low Points
  • Peter Parker has a cold again, which is putting the kibosh on his Spider-Man powers - It's been done too many times in the pages of The Amazing Spider-Man
  • Cliffhanger ending to a story that wasn't all that original or good, not excited to have to keep reading this story arc
  • Common colds really turn Peter Parker into a useless chump
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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