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Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Defensor (Nova Guard) Reaver Titan

Hello Everyone!  The update is finally here.  I had planned to post yesterday.  Fate had other ideas. 🤣 
I managed to drop the rear end of the Melta Cannon and couldn't find it!  I was fuming to say the least.  In the end I had to use a pair of tights over the hoover to forage it out.  It managed to travel further than humanly expected for a small piece of plastic.  On a lighter note I did find a combi-melta thought lost and a MkIV helmet. Result!!

So here we are in its current glory. For the point of current gaming I'm calling it done. I will likely revisit it as time permits and change or add a few details and possibly add some decals too.  It's also safe to say that I may need to invest in building a decent light box because I think the pictures don't really do it justice.

This was the picture I used for inspiration from the Campaign Book for Adeptus Titanicus: TitanDeath

I'm really happy with how it came out.  I plan to paint two Warhounds for Sunday.  Whether they will be as good it debatable but for the purposes of gaming and photos at Warhammer World I'm sure they'll look great beside this guy.  I've yet to name him but I think I'll take advantage of the Versatile Terrain name plates offer and put those to good use.

I hoped you've enjoyed following the journey.  I didn't complete him in 24hrs.  I tale take my hat off to people who do.  I felt I needed to spend the additional time on him to get him right.  He's tabletop good to go, but I said I'm likely to add some additional details after the fact and when I do I'll post an update.  The next thing for me really is to look at decals and then a protective varnish coat.

Please feel free to comment or ask questions below.  You can find the link to the previous blog entry here: Legio Defensor Titan Build and Paint
You can also find my Basing Tutorial here: Tutorial

Thanks for reading and don't forget to follow the blog to get notifications and to keep up to date with all what we get up to here.

Only In Death Does Duty End

- Tylar

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