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The grand tour continues - Part 2

 Welcome back to part two of the Frugal room tour. It was lovely to see so many people popping in yesterday for a peek. Some 247 of you in fact! Incredible! However did you all fit?
 Today will view the rest of the downstairs area and weather permitting the outside areas to. Aren't you all a lucky lot? We begin at the entrance to the playroom from the hallway, this doorway features a small DD type person pretending to be a cat, please stroke her on the head and mutter "Good kitty" as we pass.

To the left of doorway is the wall that is between us and the stairway. The patchy yellow paintwork will be replaced shortly. The play room is nearly always untidy due to almost constant use. However that being the main point of a playroom we don't care.

Over to the right hand side is another horrid yellow wall, a small child called Baby D, the arm of Kitty DD, and the arts and crafts sideboard. It houses all the paints, papers, drawing things, and also puzzles, board games and anything with tiny pieces. The fabric on the top is a pair of curtains from Ebay soon to be hung at the front and back doors.

 Right again brings us to the other side of the playroom. They lady of the house detests the wallpaper and it will be meeting a painful end very soon. The fireplace we are informed is functional and can be used if the chimney swept regularly. Above the fireplace are the fishes and a collection of Baby D safe books. The raised shelfy bits either side of the fire are hollow and will be investigated shortly for use as storage.

To the right again and facing the front of the house, a big sunny window, the children's sofa which came from the previous tenants, the toy chest that was painted by the Master of the house, and a small veggie garden nursery on the sunny windowsill.

Turning 180 degrees we will now enter the kitchen. The heart of the home.

The kitchen is pretty standard, but has lots of storage and space for baking. The oven is a recent addition after the Lady of the house complained about the old one shortly after moving in. The lettings agents had someone out to replace it with a new model within 24 hours! Now that's service!

The Lady of the house is extremely happy to finally have a window to look out of while washing up! It has been many many years of staring at a blank wall as she scrubs the pans. Soon the fence outside will be repaired and the beautification of the area can begin.

The far end of the kitchen is heavily used. The clothes finish off drying here after standing outside during the day. The doorway to the left is the space beneath the stairs currently a coat, shoe and vacuum storage area. It is also used as a fantastic place to hide during an epic game of hide and seek.  Just to the right of DD is the back door. If you'd all like to follow me and we'll head through the door into the courtyard area.

The courtyard area leaves a lot to be desired at the moment. As soon as the weather improves this area will see some big changes! Raised beds are planned for veggies, trellis on the fences and walls for peas and beans, plus a few bins for potatoes.

The other end of the courtyard features a metal shed type thing. The doors are missing presumed broken, and it's future remains undecided. Lady of the house has ideas of a greenhouse, Master of the house is worried about loosing a hiding space during the epic games mentioned earlier.
 To the left of the shed is a little brick walkway, if you'd just follow me through that would be grand.

This is the garden at the side of the house, note the Physallis to the left of the picture. There is soon to be fencing erected on the top of the brick wall to enclose the area. The junk at the far end is mostly broken fence panels and debris from the former tenants.  This areas future plans are as a child friendly play area, with a few planters and hanging baskets for flowers.

Looking now behind us is the other end of the side garden. This part features a birch tree, and the two daffodils which are the only non weed thing we could find in any of the gardens. It's nice to discover something pretty has survived here. On the right is the brick corridor leading back to the courtyard area.

And here we end the tour today. Thank you once again for visiting, I hope you enjoyed looking around. Tomorrow should be the final day of the tour where we will investigate the upstairs of the property. Until then take care and please leave any comments below.

x x x

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