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My Bucket List

 Morning all,
 Isn't it turning horrible out there. The snow is now that grey slippy sludge stuff that sets hard like concrete. It's not pretty, it's not fun and it's not going away. The worst part of the snow is definitely upon us. Ho hum.
 To entertain myself I have found a wonderful website called Bucketlist where you can make your own bucket list from many many thousands of ideas from the achievable to the bizarre to the completely unobtainable (walk on the moon anyone?)
 I've  tried to make mine a nice mixture of short term and long term goals. And I love the idea of being able to track my achievements, so on a bad day and could look at my completed items list for a pep up. So here is my current list;

 There is much more to add, I'm thinking of things each day and the site also makes suggestions regularly which is helpful.
 I'm starting my movie and book marathon today. Film one is "The Shawshank Redemption" and I need to finish "Life of Pi".
 Do you have a bucket list?
x x x 

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