Well, you know how Kim plans and God laughs? Mostly because Kim plans poorly, or gets overly excited about her wonderfulness and doesn't think?
You know that $300.00 I so smugly had set away for the tax sinking fund? Well it was already spent. How many times can you spend the same three hundred dollars? Well I apparently can do it multiple times.
Now I am afraid of Rhitter as she and I are going to keep each other on track this year. So This is what I did.
I paid all my monthly bills. I paid off the two Christmas credit cards so no interest. This leaves me with little or no money in the checking account for food and gas and whatever for the rest of the month. I will have to earn it to spend it.
I wanted to fulfill my goals, so I needed to fill two envelopes, and I needed to add the 5's I had saved for the week. I also needed $36.00 for my $1,$5,$10,$20 envelope. I needed to put $4.96 in my penny can. Where was I going to get this money? Well from the $300.00 I had stashed away. Dang never thought about that did I? Now I still have a $150.00 check of mom's for Christmas, and I will have an addsense check coming in on the 20th. SO I am okay right? Wrong, the sewing machine store called today and my machine is fixed. That will be $138.00, please. SO mom's check went into the bank to pay for machine. I just took the remainder of the money and put it in the emergency fund.
It is the 3rd and I am already off budget. That is okay I kept to my goals. I will have more money come in and I will stick with my no spend and grocery challenge this month and I will be able to resurface and get that $300.00 saved before the end of the month. All I can do is kick myself for counting chickens, which by the way we have 13.
Cheryl, (Cheryl's frugal corner) said all my savings plans confuse her. Well guess what Cheryl? They obviously confuse me also....
Kelsa and Will were with us Saturday night, and as we now have church at noon on Sunday's Will was excited to be able to sleep in, and go to Sunday School. Kelsa fell a sleep in church and when we got her home it was obvious she was not herself. Daughter had to work today and Nate got called out because of bad roads so we kept Kelsa again last night. We had to give her tylenol every 4 hours to keep her fever down. At one point. about 11:30 last night it was up to 103.5 and I was about to strip her down for a cool water soak, but more tylenol had her down to 99.7 in about 20 minutes. She has 8 teeth coming in and when she laughs and tips her head back her upper gums are bloody. Poor darling looks like a baby vampire. Her mommy has tomorrow off and will come and get her around 5. She has been extra clingy, but I don't mind. I just sew with her on my lap, she wraps her legs and arms around me and just snuggles in, little toad wart.
Dinner last night was very good, and I had leftovers for lunch and will also tor dinner. I am going to make a pot of Prime rib soup tonight. I also have that free boneless ham in the fridge I need to cook up this week.
Things I need to do today:
1. get two dresses altered
2. hem two pairs of pants
3. swap the laundry
4. put away all Christmas linens
5. straighten the house repeatedly.....
6. make soup for dinner
7. go pick up machine
8. go to bank
9. go to post office
10. possibly take down Christmas Tree
I will probably spend most of my time rocking a fussy baby.
Hey, has anyone else already messed up their new year's resolution's? Anybody? ANYBODY?
Kelsa is playing with my bifocals and I cannot see the key board.
"The holidays are over,and now begins true winter, a cold grey,bucket of suck" "along with COVID" this is a quote from my eldest daughter. She is such a bundle of cheer, after morning court.
Hey, have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.
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