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Goats, Dogs, and Karate!

Dean has it all down here in the country!

Goats, dogs, turkeys, chickens, fresh air, green grass and a Karate Retreat!

This is MiMi and she was watching all the Karate moves!

The sun came out and the sky was blue in patches - at least for a little while!

There are all sorts of nooks and crannies to explore around here.
I found this bird nest in one of the barns.

We have had a good day. From our camper window we could see all the Karate people doing their forms.
While Louis Dean worked on the brisket ......

I went out to watch the class.
Okay!! So I took a picture of them and was posting it to Facebook!!
But I DID watch some!!

When the training sessions were over it was time to light the bonfire!

It was a TWO fire night!! The bonfire in the meadow and the fire pit in the picnic area!

I think the Karate camp was a big success!!
We are glad we could be here and be a part of it!
Louis Dean has certainly enjoyed seeing his son in action!
AND he has enjoyed spending some quality time with his grandson.
It has been a Win! WIN! week!!

This is the way we end our evening in the camper.
We have to go home soon so we are milking our time for all it is worth!!

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