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There's Finally a Way to Get Rid of Those Annoying Default iPhone Apps

iPhone User
On a scale of one to 10, how messy is your iPhone home screen right now?
If you said anything but 10, you're lying. With the plethora of apps available these days, it's no wonder that clutter is the name of the game. Facebook! Mint! That program that monitors your sleep that you've never actually looked at! They're taking up four screens worth of space and they're a total mess.
So why do you keep living like this? Partly because you're probably too lazy to organize yet another part of your life, and partly because you actually don't know how to get rid of some of those unwanted apps. Apple is really, really good at forcing you to keep things like that Stock program. Or iMovie. Who uses iMovie on their phone?
But now, society has finally figured out how to outsmart the evil geniuses at Apple. And by "society" we mean YouTube user videosdebarraquito.

To start you'll need iOS 9, so everyone still rocking their iPhone 4 can show themselves out. Then take the app you'd like to delete (like Keynote, barf) and put it into a folder. Press and hold the app and move it into a new page in the folder—twice. (That's the third page, for you non-math whiz's).
Then simply tap the home button without letting go of the app and voilå! It will disappear. The best part is that it won't even delete the app from your phone entirely—in case you do want to get into the stock market someday—it just hides it from your home screen. All you have to do is use the search tool to pull up the ol' stocks.
Check out the video tutorial below in case our description has you a little confused.

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