Actor Aamir Khan celebrated Father's Day with his daughter Ira Khan. Amid lockdown, the actor has been spending time with his family. On Sunday, Ira shared a picture with her dad in which Aamir showed off his quarantine grey hair.
“Happy Father’s Day! Thanks for being you,” Ira Khan captioned her post. In the photo, she is seen striking a pose with Aamir embracing the greys.
The Khan family has been under lockdown since March. The actor's daughter regularly shares pictures with her family including step-mother Kiran Rao and half-brother Azad Rao Khan.
On the work front, Aamir Khan will be next starring in Laal Singh Chaddha with Kareena Kapoor Khan. It is an adaptation of Tom Hanks’ Hollywood flick, Forrest Gump.
“Happy Father’s Day! Thanks for being you,” Ira Khan captioned her post. In the photo, she is seen striking a pose with Aamir embracing the greys.
The Khan family has been under lockdown since March. The actor's daughter regularly shares pictures with her family including step-mother Kiran Rao and half-brother Azad Rao Khan.
On the work front, Aamir Khan will be next starring in Laal Singh Chaddha with Kareena Kapoor Khan. It is an adaptation of Tom Hanks’ Hollywood flick, Forrest Gump.
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