Barely a week passes by without Justin Bieber finding himself embroiled in some new scandal, but this one might just take the cake. A conspiracy theory website claims to have dug up a hastily-deleted article from an Australian news outlet that details eye-witness accounts of Justin Bieber shapeshifting into a lizard person.
Your Newswire posted the shocking details of Bieber's arrival at Perth airport, including reports of Bieber "lashing out angrily" at onlookers with his "big, scary claws," causing fans to retreat in terror.

The article, which was allegedly posted by Perth Now before mysteriously disappearing, also claims that Bieber assumed the form of a female reptilian, with with effeminate scaly "curves." The incident was apparently quite traumatic, and has even deterred some diehard Beliebers from attending his future concerts.
See also:
What The Hell Is A Lizard Person?

Lizard people, or reptilian humanoids, are a race of shapeshifting beings who are said to live among us. Apparently, they've infiltrated not only the human race but the most exclusive and powerful tiers of our society, from the royal family to the political sphere.
The theory of their existence has been popularized by David Icke, a British author who, according to his website, "exposes the reptilian bloodline that rules the world." In a 2013 interview, Icke addressed the possibility of #JustinBieber being a lizard:
"Not sure. But Britney Spears is."
Con Or Cover-Up?
![[Credit: Justin Bieber Instagram/Bethesda Softworks]](,q_auto,w_710/x0a0c5nfou7eovuxcx6n/credit-justin-bieber-instagram-bethesda-softworks.jpg)
This isn't the first time rumors of powerful reptilian humanoids have emerged from Downunder. Some Australians maintain the long-held suspicion that their own Minister for Defence Industry, Christopher Pyne, is also a lizard person. And to be fair, there are a lot of lizards in Australia (especially Perth), so it's an easy mistake to make.
Perth Now told Buzzfeed that they never even posted the article, and said it was nothing more than an absurd fabrication; though conspiracy theorists like David Icke would probably tell you that it's nothing more than a cover-up at the hands of Bieber's fellow reptilian brethren.
![[Credit: OWN Network]](,q_auto,w_710/qr9bl38bahnnwktiuijy/credit-own-network.jpg)
The Evidence Is Mounting
The possibility of reptilian humanoids may seem far-fetched, but what if there's an element of truth to it? Could it be that Bieber is actually a beastly lizard desperate to break free of his fleshy human form?
He's already been spotted roaming in the wilderness in nothing but his scaly birthday suit, and even violently lashed out at one person who attempted to touch him. He also reportedly gave away his pet dog— a known natural predator to lizards.
Still not convinced? Take a look at the condemning evidence of Justin Bieber's potential reptilian antics and decide for yourself:
8. Warming His Cold Reptilian Blood In The Hot Sun
![[Credit: Justin Bieber Instagram]](,q_auto,w_710/lpu14ot9zsdji5b88wsz/credit-justin-bieber-instagram.jpg)
7. Interacting With His Human Followers From The Safety Of His Barred Enclosure
6. Hiding From Predators Up A Tree
![[Credit: Justin Bieber Instagram]](,q_auto,w_710/aaab8qv8rr9g5wbvzpnc/credit-justin-bieber-instagram.jpg)
5. Forgetting How To Use A Human Toilet

4. Taking A Nap In His Natural Environment
![[Credit: Justin Bieber Instagram]](,q_auto,w_710/lu39zwvspmnzye8o1zdb/credit-justin-bieber-instagram.jpg)
3. Poking Out His Lizard Tongue
![[Credit: Justin Bieber Instagram]](,q_auto,w_710/hzzes9soymg1ncptd8mv/credit-justin-bieber-instagram.jpg)
2. Scuttling Over Rocks In Search Of Prey
![[Credit: Justin Bieber Instagram]](,q_auto,w_710/btzlt6ndp4zogte2zvsc/credit-justin-bieber-instagram.jpg)
1. Hanging Out With His Fellow Lizards

Do you think Justin Bieber is a reptilian humanoid?
(Source: Buzzfeed, Your Newswire)
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